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Coronavirus and Kids_ How to Answer their Questions

When you think about children and their questions, you usually ponder over how to answer curious minds about different genders, career choices, or their cat dying. However, since the beginning of 2020, a question no one was prepared for started emerging: what is the Coronavirus?

Covid-19 has impacted our everyday lives. Whether it was in the way they went to school, saw their family, played with friends, or even participated in weekend activities; everything has changed dramatically for children. Even toddlers who might be too young to know what's going on will have a long list of questions about all the changes that took place. If answering these in an age-appropriate manner is something you're struggling with, read on for some tips on how to handle their questions.

1. Speak Gently
The best thing you can do when answering any Covid-19 related question is to keep calm. Do not instill fear into your child's mind through the tone of your voice and body language. It might be hard not to let your fear creep through your answers, but it's essential to take a breath and ensure that your anxiety doesn't flow over to your children, who expect you to be in control.

2. Give Facts
When talking to your kids, be truthful. There's no room for trying to make things sound better than they are with a pandemic at hand. We can still do this in an age-appropriate manner. Toddlers can be taught that there's a nasty virus that makes us sicker than before, hence the strict rules. We can inform School-aged kids of the exact way in which the virus affects us and why it's essential to protect ourselves from it. We can give teenagers straightforward facts if you feel that they are mentally mature enough to handle it.

3. Take Action
While you answer simple questions, make sure that your children know there's a way to protect themselves. This will make them feel less powerless and in control, which always helps in moments of uncertainty. Teach them about the habit of handwashing, sanitizing, and wearing a mask. Healthy eating and exercise can also protect them and will help them burn off excess energy! Knowing that there are simple things they can do to help might give them a sense of power and keep them positive throughout it all.

4. Listen before you Speak
Answer what your children ask and don't give unnecessary scary information. Your new routine might not too phase some children, and their questions may have a straightforward answer. Don't overshare when it's not needed.

Covid-19 is here, and it doesn't seem like it's going away soon. Embrace everything about it, whether that be questions, your new routine, or something more uncomfortable. Being honest and keeping the conversation open is key to your family's survival in these uncertain times. It's important to remember that children, just like adults, are greatly affected by the pandemic, and they need all the love, comfort, and reassurance that they ask for.

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