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Enhancing Playground Experience Through Site Amenities

How often has it been that you went to the playground with your children and found out that there was only one uncomfortable bench to sit on? Moreover, often at times, these benches are poorly placed without any shade and poor visibility of the playground equipment.

Usually, accessible playground equipment tend to offer amenities to caregivers on the site. This is because if the caregivers and the parents are not comfortable on the playground, it would automatically mean fewer playgrounds for the children.

There are several ways in which the playground experience can be enhanced for everyone. In this article, we discuss these ways.

First of all, it is essential to include an ample amount of seats with back support in the playground. Moreover, the seating areas should be present in the sun along with the shade. Furthermore, it is also crucial for these seating areas to provide a clear line of sight to caregivers.

Often at times, parents who visit playgrounds also want to interact with other parents and caregivers. This is because being social helps them in passing their time, and to share insights about parenting. This can be accomplished by placing an array of seats together. Putting picnic tables strategically throughout the playground may also help.

Moreover, restrooms and water fountains are also of great importance. Often at times, playground visits are shorter because there are no restrooms. Furthermore, the playground administration should always make sure that the bathrooms follow the ADA guidelines. Each toilet should have a changing table of the size of an adult. At the same time, the drinking fountains should have levers that are easy to operate at a different level.

Recycling bins and trash cans should be placed throughout the area to keep the playground tidy and neat.

It is of great importance to consider what roles parents play on a playground when making a plan. Do you expect parents in the area to play with their children? Or will they only supervise from some distance? Both of the ways are good. However, it is a very critical decision as your amenities will be placed strategically, based on the role of parents.

In case you want to create a play space that caters to both adults and children, then you will have to add adult features. It is essential to ask yourself the question, that whether your local playgrounds hinder or foster participation from parents or caregivers.

In case there are adult features added, entire families can have playtime as a result of which a sweet bond can be maintained. Moreover, it might also allow different families to socialize. This means that the playground time would increase.

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