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Exploring and Playing Helps Children Grow

Children will naturally take risks when they are growing. They do anything and everything they can in order to grow, learn, and adapt to new environments. Because children don't have too many fears, they may end up in situations where they can get injured, so many parents find themselves saying “No” hundreds of times in a day. Parents want their children to be as prepared as possible for any situation, whether it be safe or dangerous. It is important to teach them the skills they need to survive, and the easiest way to do that is through play.

Playgrounds in the U. S. are designed with safety as a priority, but also can challenge a child. This is healthy for children, because as they get older, they will need to be able to overcome fears. Overcoming the fear of heights by climbing up to a tall slide, for example, will help a child that wants to go into construction when they grow up. Swinging on a swing set will help a child conquer a fear of flying, so they can go on a plane as an adult, or even become a pilot.

Indoor Go Kart places were built for the pleasure of driving fast cars in a controlled, safe environment. These places can help young children learn to enjoy driving, long before they have to learn to drive a real car, and can assist in conquering a fear of going fast.

Teaching a child to swim is also a skill they will benefit from learning, and it can be fun, too. Knowing how to swim can save your child from drowning if they end up falling in a river or the ocean, and the swimming pool is a safe place to teach them. It will also benefit them to learn how to hold their breath underwater, in case they get pulled under due to a strong current. A child may be afraid to learn to swim, but playing in the water in between learning can help them overcome that fear. Playing with water guns, balls, and games like Marco Polo can be great to play with children.

Going hiking and rock climbing are excellent, fun activities to do with children and can help them conquer a fear of heights and a fear of the unknown. These activities take place in nature, where anything can happen. Not knowing what the future holds can be scary for a child, and hiking in a forest can help them overcome this fear, because the forest has a beginning and an end. Encouraging your child to keep going, even if they are scared, will benefit them. You can also play games, like Hide and Seek or I-Spy, along the way to keep them entertained. You can even bring a ball to play catch or kick around.

Exploring and playing with your children will help them learn to take risks more often, and will help them grow. Enjoy the teaching experience!

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