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Using Play To Encourage Inclusion In Children

Playgrounds provide many benefits to children, such as the ability to develop themselves physically and enhance their motor skills. However, some people overlook the important role that playgrounds have in teaching children the value of inclusion. In fact, this is one of the most important things parents look for when choosing a playground, with 70 percent saying they want to take their child to an inclusive play environment. Let’s take a closer look at how play equipment can help teach children to be more accepting of others. We’ll also look at what to look for when deciding how inclusive a playground is.

First, many playgrounds are designed to be places where children of all ages and abilities can come and enjoy themselves. This means that, through play, children will be exposed to a wide range of people. As they learn more about them and incorporate them into their play, they will learn to respect differences. Learning this lesson from a young age will help set up them with important life skills. Also, being more inclusive will help children make friends more easily when they move to school or kindergarten. It will also help them develop their leadership skills, build persistence and teach the importance of empathy. Now that we know the importance of creating an inclusive play environment, let’s look at some ways to do this.

There are some things that parents can look for when choosing an inclusive playground for their children. A well-designed play structure will provide places for children to play at their own pace. For example, there will be large open spaces, where large groups of children can play together. There will also be smaller niches where children can play in more intimate groups. These multiple spaces will also make it easier for children to challenge themselves. For example, toddlers might find it challenging to walk up a few steps while larger children will want to have equipment that they can climb up. It is important that all these areas are easily accessible for children with disabilities. Finally, when reflecting on the play session encourage your child to discuss their interactions. Through this discussion, you can guide them in what is appropriate and inappropriate. You can also provide some tips for how they can be more accepting of others in the future. Though it might take a little while, your child will soon be playing with everyone in a fun, inclusive environment.

Teaching inclusion from a young age is important, as it helps ingrain the value of this skill into the child. We’ve discussed some things that you can look for when choosing a playground to make sure that it will facilitate play between children of different ages and physical abilities. Hopefully, you will now view playgrounds as more than just places where children go to exercise and develop their physical abilities. So, take your child to an inclusive playground today, and watch as your child learns to play with a diverse range of people.

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