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What Happens In 60 Minutes Of Play

Children need to go out and play in the necessary recommendation of 60 minutes. They need to run around outside instead of sitting at home. Playing is natural and enjoyable for children, as they are kept active, healthy, and happy. In playtime, the muscles, the bones, and cognitive abilities are developed and in use, countering the fact the highest percentage of overweight and obese people globally are in the United States. Even worse for children, along with 30% of those obese rates from them, anxiety and depression rates are on the rise. The lack of exercise is a direct connection to childhood and adult obesity, which can cause various health ailments.

Physical activity has benefits regardless of age including keeping their heart and lungs functioning normally, becoming flexible with the limbs, developing stronger bones, maintaining healthy body weight, reducing the risk of disease and other health issues, and improvement of mood and self-esteem. Play includes free play, sports, walking, cycling, recreational, and any physical education. It is broken down into two types of activities. First, there is the active type, where children sweat and catching their breath every time they stop. That includes running or swimming. Moderate activities are not as rigorous, including walking or bicycling.

There are specific activities that should be done based on the child's age. Toddlers and preschoolers should be encouraged necessary fun and are not aware of organized play. Simple workout, such as throwing and catching, dancing, and skipping helps them get stimulated physically. When children get to the age of 5 and older, sports can start to be infused in their play. Basics like soccer, tennis, and basketball help them understand rules. Free play like the tag can also be utilized. By then, moderate exercise can slowly go into a more rigorous activity.

In the preteen years, the children are more significant and are more aware of the rules. They reach puberty, so their size and strength will be different from others. Regardless, it means more rigorous activity and more sports that make the body do more work like football, martial arts, and hockey. They can also hike and slowly do weight training to begin making muscles, but not too much where they overdevelop, and they get hurt more easily. Endurance even starts to build. Enter their teens, and there can be more finesse and interest in more competitions that fill up the rest of their substantial improvements.

Sixty minutes a day is all they need. There are ways for children who have certain conditions, such as asthma and hemophilia, to get active while being safe. It is all about increasing heart rate, eating healthy, and keeping the joints strong. It can be even more fun when the whole family gets involved. Small things being done from when they are young build up confidence and health for all children as they get older. With the concern of obese children across the country, it is more prevalent to encourage exercise every day.

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